SmartFleet Demos at Leeds Railway Station
When you first buy a WrapSite it comes preloaded with template Wraplications written by ExcelWraps covering many rolling stock activities (maintenance, overhaul and auditing). They invite you to two training courses at their offices in Leeds to get you up to speed. The first is a WrapSite Administration course covering driving your WrapSite, user management, competence management, organisation workgroups (internal and external) and web page content. The second course covers Wrap Creation harnessing your proficiency in Excel to create new custom workflows to append to your existing Wraplications. On leaving the course you will be set up Workgroup administrators to look after their own users, to launch any of the template activities on any unit belong to any fleet. This creates online forms that your artisan users complete and digitally sign off to show that the work has been fully completed by competent people using approved techniques. Keeping track of any process KPIs, like % completion, will be fully automated for managers and clients to monitor from remote locations.
Finding the office is easy it is on the third floor of the platform building. Just arrive at Leeds railway station and look for the revolving door adjacent to the M&S store. The trainers are very well inform as they only create software for rolling stock activities and will focus their training using the most appropriate template solutions for you.