Bolt Expert Seminar

ExcelWraps is delighted to invite you to a free Bolt Expert Seminar at our office, conveniently situated next to Leeds Railway Station, at 10:00 am on Monday, September 18th, 2023. In collaboration with industry leaders like Hitachi and Wabtec, ExcelWraps aims to demystify the issue of bolt failures on the UK railways.

A review of the UK Railways' National Incident Reports reveals that about 20 incidents each year are linked to bolt problems. Moreover, almost every railway engineer can recount unsettling experiences with bolts. However, the root cause of these issues often remains unclear. This seminar will introduce an application that guides you through a diagnostic process, enhanced by data capture and video explanations (see This tool will aid in pinpointing the primary problem and devising corrective actions.

While the railway industry mainly uses torque tightening methods, our seminar will explore advanced bolting procedures involving Smart torque wrenches. These wrenches are directly linked to our electronic workflow data capture applications. We'll show how smart torque wrenches can be programmed using our record sheets and how they can verify the correct execution of the bolting procedure. Adopting these techniques will provide you with greater control over the clamping loads in your bolts, thereby increasing resistance to vibrational loosening, reducing the risk of bolt shearing, and enhancing fatigue load resistance.

The seminar will be conducted by David Hutchings and John Doyle from the ExcelWraps client services team. As availability for this event is limited, spots will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. We urge you to contact us promptly to reserve your place. Please email

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