Welcome to SmartFleet - Digital Solutions for Rolling Stock Activities!

We specialise in developing digital solutions tailored for managing rolling stock activities, with a strong emphasis on industry compliance requirements. Our user-friendly apps work on any device and are accessible through your own ExcelWraps portal, ensuring seamless delivery to your staff, subcontractors, and clients. These apps efficiently collect and store data in a secure cloud database, enabling real-time information access for your entire community.

At ExcelWraps, we offer a wide selection of over 30 ready-to-use solutions entirely free of charge. However, we understand that each client may have unique requirements, and that's why we provide tailored app development services. Our consultancy team works closely with clients to create customised solutions that meet their specific needs. We continue to develop new features and add to our portfolio of ready-to-use rolling stock solutions.

In addition to our consultancy services, we also offer comprehensive training programs. With our specialist software tools, such as WrapCreator, an Excel add-in, we empower clients to leverage their existing spreadsheet skills to create their own apps. Our training resources, available at https://help.excelwraps.com/, guide clients through the process of app creation and ensure they can independently utilise our technology.

At ExcelWraps, our team is dedicated to supporting client administrators in optimising the benefits of our technology. We provide ongoing assistance and guidance, helping administrators extract the maximum value from our solutions. In turn, our clients become proficient in supporting their own end users, creating a self-sustaining ecosystem of support and expertise.

Our fully managed cloud solution provides cost efficiency by eliminating upfront infrastructure expenses and offering flexible pay-as-you-go models. We offer scalability, allowing businesses to easily adjust resources as needed. We provide ubiquitous access, enabling remote work and seamless collaboration. We offer reliable secure infrastructure with built-in backup and disaster recovery options. We handle updates and maintenance, freeing up resources for core business activities.

Our monthly billing structure comprises an active user charge and fixed-price consultancy tasks. Clients have full control over their expenses by enabling them to disable any user as needed or by completing tasks using their own people. This flexibility ensures that clients have complete control over their expenditure.

Furthermore, we offer volume discounts for sites with a larger number of users and longer fixed-price tasks. This fair and consistent policy applies to all our clients, guaranteeing that everyone receives the best deal possible.

Podcast: Deep Dive into ExcelWraps: Listen to a podcasts discussing ExcelWraps.

Meet us at our office in Leeds: Make your way to the platform building (look for revolving door adjacent to M&S at Leeds Railway station). Email clientservices@excelwraps.com to contact us.

What is ExcelWraps?

ExcelWraps is a paperless on-line data solution that any Excel user can harness to replace paper forms with enterprise wide web data applications. Ideal for task management, workflow, incident reporting, safety assessments, compliance, site inspections, supply line management, audits, inventory processing… etc.

Paperless Joy

We offer a future with no paperwork, no lost forms, no undecipherable scribbles, no unidentifiable signatures, no photocopying, no duplicate errors, no filing and immediate access to the data you have collected.

Wrap Benefits

Increased productivity, better access to business information, increased competitiveness, increased profitability, increased quality, increased traceability, improved supply chain responsiveness and increased customer satisfaction.